5 sessions so far

5 sessions so far

Still have a long, long way to go but seeing pictures side to side makes me realize that it really is doing something even when it doesn’t feel like it lol

Tanvi Mundle Marathi Actress #TanviMundle

Two questions, mag and gunsmith

What’s the going rate of 40rd NOS Bakelite 762 mags and any ak smiths in the Midwest around the Nebraska Iowa area, need a chop for one ak and maybe another one to get straighten out.

How are babies capable of learning so much?

Alr i might just be really dumb but as new born babies we just look around at people doing random gestures and saying 'gibberish' and over a period of 2-3 years we just normally start understanding what everything means with no base at all, and learn it as a language?! This same question in the title gets me confused in all aspects, but communication is what that keeps me thinking the most. Because when were older with developed brains, at what extent can we learn a language just by listening to it for a couple of years? I think only a little more than the basics at most. And I mean only listening to convos, cause have you seen parents go around and hold a milk carton in front of their baby and teaching what its called? lol no. And why are we in general less capable of doing this at this later stage of life when we aren't small kids?

Has anyone recently contacted them through email/message through the portal?

How long before you got a reply? I sent two emails on February 3 and I have heard nothing yet.

Which game is Nancy the biggest push over?

I’m playing Royal Tower and it’s getting pretty sad. She needs to work for free to just get a radiator in her room fixed. She can’t even order dinner because she had to give her menu to the Professor. Come on Nancy. Get a back bone, girl!

Serenay Sarıkaya Herse Edit

304410464546 WV yveltal

The most essential form of the platform bed frame.

The most essential form of the platform bed frame.

Machines Labs like HacktheBox

Hello everyone, Can we mention here all machines based hacking platform like TryHackMe and HacktheBox that we know. I will start : - HacktheBox - TryHackMe - RootMe - Offsec Proving Grounds - SecDojo - Codeby.Games - ParrotCTFs - vulnlab

17.02.2025 Baj massacre.. We remember 🕯️😔🙏

is https://voxlis.net safe site?

All LR’s pulled this Anniversary

Still missing the new LR Gohan. But looks very solid so far and I rainbowed old characters as well. Started playing in November 2024 F2P

"> Still missing the new LR Gohan. But looks very solid so far and I rainbowed old characters as well. Started playing in November 2024 F2P

Getting Nexus for tourism purposes

Hi all, My spouse and I just got our US PR/green card. We like going to Vancouver via road and plan to go often purely for tourism and foodism(Surrey road) purposes. We dont have any friends or relatives in Canada. My friend who has a Nexus card (Canadian PR holder) told me that the chances of getting nexus card approved is higher if I have more purposes of travling Canada apart from purey tourism. Is that true? If thats true, we are thinking to get GlobalEntry as that wouldnt have this usecase. Thank you.

[Teaser] NovelAI Diffusion V4 full

Animation error in cyber chase. What happened to Daphne’s lipstick?

One animation error I’ve seen no one bring up from Scooby doo and the cyber chase is that during the underwater level just before the gang gain scuba gear. When holding her breath, Daphne’s lipstick is gone. This is more like an inconsistent.


dragon spawning issue?

(1.20.1 & Forge 47.3.0) I don’t play modded Minecraft often but I always enjoy playing with the Ice and Fire mod. I personally hate the dragon roosts and set them to 1 in the config for dragon generation, I’ve played with this mod pack (custom) multiple times just with a new world, never had a issue with this except today. Has anyone had this issue before? The map shows just how many there are and in the distance not too far there were at least 5 more.

"> (1.20.1 & Forge 47.3.0) I don’t play modded Minecraft often but I always enjoy playing with the Ice and Fire mod. I personally hate the dragon roosts and set them to 1 in the config for dragon generation, I’ve played with this mod pack (custom) multiple times just with a new world, never had a issue with this except today. Has anyone had this issue before? The map shows just how many there are and in the distance not too far there were at least 5 more.

Prostreet: "Never look back"

"Never look back"

Marvel cosmology

so a universe in marvel is a multiverse and an omniverse and they hold universes and multiverse in each of the absolute infinity layers ![img](yeqdcsi9mrje1) ![img](uhii6si9mrje1) ![img](e2iqcsi9mrje1) One the multiverses in the absolute infinity layers, the dark dimensions holds amount of universes above the concept of cantors infinities which includes all infinities and it even mentions every mathematician and this is supported by the author and it’s even above absolute infinity amount of universes ![img](6evepxeymrje1) ![img](jhnub2fymrje1) ![img](mvpc5xeymrje1) Each universe is above all infinities and even absolute infinity ![img](jfvdbhlynrje1) ![img](7u59o5lynrje1) ![img](heg11nlynrje1) ![img](2ypf95lynrje1) Each universes uses concept of concepts and Plato’s theory of forms ![img](tjq1bftgorje1) ![img](rg5kqctgorje1) Each universes has infinite dream / Plato gaps layers and each dream is layered on themselves and the layers are worlds layered infinitely ![img](a62i89hqprje1) ![img](wi5597hqprje1) ![img](v3hoy4hqprje1) ![img](h22z58hqprje1) ![img](ponhhbhqprje1) ![img](hr941ahqprje1) ![img](rahuk6hqprje1) ![img](6ri137hqprje1) ![img](i4syighqprje1) ![img](5kpmd9hqprje1) ![img](zwlxr6hqprje1) ![img](v5nkx7hqprje1) ![img](oltei8hqprje1) ![img](ehjsl7hqprje1) ![img](b5ouxihqprje1) ![img](jbhzp9hqprje1) ![img](i38o29hqprje1) ![img](x6bxuahqprje1) ![img](apj4c7hqprje1) Every subatomic moment creates infinities of realities and they create more over time ad infinitum overall beyond 1s

I'm a massive savings nerd. Here are the stupidest money mistakes I see people make.

**1. Overpaying for car insurance** The average American saves a whopping $410+ a YEAR ([source](https://betterbuck.net/content/heres-how-much-youre-actually-overpaying-for-car-insurance/?subid=Auto-Savings-Source)) when they switch auto insurance carriers - sometimes significantly more than that: I saved $1,300 this year. The reason: some carriers offer discount prices to new customers when they switch. Take 30 seconds and go to a 3rd party comparison site ([Coverage.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) and[ Auto-Savings.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=otto&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) are both fine) to see if you can find cheaper rates. You’ll likely save yourself a bunch of money. Some people suggest switching every 6 months, that's a little bit overkill imo. Once a year should be fine. **2. Overpaying when you shop online** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=capitalone2&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2)). When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **3. Dealing with debt on your own** If you’ve got $10k+ in unsecured debt (think credit cards, medical bills, etc), you can ask a debt relief company to come in and negotiate it for you. You typically will save around 23% on average (after their fees). Here’s a link to a savings calculator from National Debt Relief's website if you want to see how much you could save: [link here.](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=ndr2&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) **4. Not having a financial advisor.** You know why so many rich people have financial advisors? It isn't because they're better at picking stocks (spoiler alert: they're not) It's because a good financial advisor will help you with all of the bizarro tax implications you never would have thought of. People with financial advisors end up making \~3% more/year thanks to better tax planning. If you don't know an advisor personally, use a 3rd party comparison site to find somebody with good reviews ([WiserAdvisor](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=wiser&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) is solid). **5. Using normal, low-interest savings accounts** I'm always shocked at the number of people still using garbage savings accounts that pay 0.5% (or less) a year. There are literally hundreds of banks that will pay you 8x that, usually 10x that rate [Here's a link to a bunch of options.](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=fiona-savings&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) -- There are tons of other things (obviously) but these are the ones that I see the most. Hope that helps.

I'm a massive savings nerd. Here are the stupidest money mistakes I see people make.

**1. Overpaying for car insurance** The average American saves a whopping $410+ a YEAR ([source](https://betterbuck.net/content/heres-how-much-youre-actually-overpaying-for-car-insurance/?subid=Auto-Savings-Source)) when they switch auto insurance carriers - sometimes significantly more than that: I saved $1,300 this year. The reason: some carriers offer discount prices to new customers when they switch. Take 30 seconds and go to a 3rd party comparison site ([Coverage.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=bankrate&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) and[ Auto-Savings.com](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=otto&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) are both fine) to see if you can find cheaper rates. You’ll likely save yourself a bunch of money. Some people suggest switching every 6 months, that's a little bit overkill imo. Once a year should be fine. **2. Overpaying when you shop online** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=capitalone2&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2)). When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **3. Dealing with debt on your own** If you’ve got $10k+ in unsecured debt (think credit cards, medical bills, etc), you can ask a debt relief company to come in and negotiate it for you. You typically will save around 23% on average (after their fees). Here’s a link to a savings calculator from National Debt Relief's website if you want to see how much you could save: [link here.](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=ndr2&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) **4. Not having a financial advisor.** You know why so many rich people have financial advisors? It isn't because they're better at picking stocks (spoiler alert: they're not) It's because a good financial advisor will help you with all of the bizarro tax implications you never would have thought of. People with financial advisors end up making \~3% more/year thanks to better tax planning. If you don't know an advisor personally, use a 3rd party comparison site to find somebody with good reviews ([WiserAdvisor](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=wiser&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) is solid). **5. Using normal, low-interest savings accounts** I'm always shocked at the number of people still using garbage savings accounts that pay 0.5% (or less) a year. There are literally hundreds of banks that will pay you 8x that, usually 10x that rate [Here's a link to a bunch of options.](https://betterbuck.net/view-nb.php?offer=fiona-savings&country=USA&subid=Red-Savings-v2) -- There are tons of other things (obviously) but these are the ones that I see the most. Hope that helps.


2800 yards in 2 games????

guess the flag

tip: 1800s

"> tip: 1800s

NBA Reddit’s delusions of grandeur

I've noticed that NBA redditors always do this thing where they act like players are secretly just like them and browsing Reddit all the time. This is very much the case on the r/nba sub Reddit. They see KD making funny tweets and go like “omggggg one of us, an r/nba user! I bet he's lurking here right now!!!!!” It’s like… no, he’s a Twitter user. You know, the platform with much more cultural relevance and recognition than Reddit. I don't understand the correlation being drawn between the two platforms. You simply can't compare Instagram and Twitter to something like Reddit. There’s a reason why Stephen A Smith and Kevin Durant know NBA Centel but nobody in real life knows MITWestbrook or mrsunsfan. Redditors need to stop this delusion.

budgeting your time

my current "schedule" is writing on mondays and tuesdays, and wherever it fits during the rest of the week. thats not an intentional schedule, thats just how it worked out. i want to become a person who writes everyday, but im going back to a full time job soon, and im a college student. mind you, my classes are easy, but they're a lot of time consuming reading/writing assignments. i also have other general responsibilities like a normal adult. for those who methodize their writing time, how do you go about it? please note that if your answer is "just find time" it will be ignored. nothing against you, im just looking for examples with real structure.

A G4 direct sequel?

Could we get a G4 direct sequel?A sequel that would happen exactly after the last episode of Frienship is magic.A sequel for Totally Spies released on TV so why couldn't we get a G4 sequel with Luster Dawn and her friends as main characters?

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